
E-learning is becoming an increasingly popular way to learn, as it allows you to work at your own pace in a convenient and flexible environment. With an internet connection, you can access e-learning from anywhere, meaning you can learn from anywhere in the world and on your own schedule. This makes it much easier for you to fit learning into your practice, as opposed to traditional training, which is often restricted by location and time. Furthermore, e-learning can be tailored to your individual needs, meaning that you can learn in a way that suits you best.

Rethinkers E-Learning programmes

Thinkers’ keys - المدرب المعتمد في برنامج مفاتيح المفكرين

The Thinker’s Keys model is a comprehensive educational framework designed to educate students on how to think critically, express creativity, and act independently. It enables students to gain the abilities to solve complex problems, make informed decisions, and think of their own ideas. The program is suitable for use by teachers, schools, and education systems to help students hone their thinking skills in a structured and explicit way. This can be done through several activities, such as brainstorming, problem solving, and decision making, all of which form part of the Thinker’s Keys model. This program is based on the most up-to-date research in the field of education and has been developed to support student learning and improve academic results.

Artificial Intelligence in practice - المدرب المعتمد في الذكاء الإصطناعي في المؤسسات التعليمية

This program was designed to provide individuals with the insights and capabilities to incorporate Artificial Intelligence into educational settings. It covers fundamentals of AI, its application in education, legal and ethical implications, and the development and implementation of AI-supported learning programs. On completion, individuals are certified and can demonstrate their expertise in the integration of AI into educational institutions.

أخصائي ومدرب معتمد في اختبارات ومقاييس الذكاء والابداع وانماط التفكير

This program is perfect for professionals who want to gain comprehensive knowledge in the assessment of creative and critical thinking abilities. Participants will be able to apply and correct a set of the most recent tests and measures and practice their use in a real-world setting. This program will help individuals and organizations to assess the collective intelligence and thinking patterns and support the development of their employees and teams.

Kids Life Coaching - برنامج الممارس المعتمد في برنامج كوتشينج الاطفال

The Children’s Coaching Program is an initiative aimed at improving the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of young minds. The Certified Practitioner Program trains individuals to become certified coaches who can then teach the program in educational institutions. The program can include topics such as child development, coaching strategies, and assessment tools to determine the success of the program.

Next Generation - اعداد مدرب معتمد في الطفولة المبكرة لبناء القدرات العقلية والابداع

This program is geared towards readying certified instructors to assist children between the ages of two and eight in enhancing their intellectual, creative, and social aptitudes. The main objective is to give these trainers the required understanding, talents, and techniques to help the kids accomplish their maximum capacity during this central period of progress. The final goal is to bring forth a new generation with fortified mental aptitudes and inventiveness, prepared to confront the difficulties of the future.

دبلوم التفكير الابداعي والناقد وفق ابحاث الدماغ

Our program is designed to give individuals an in-depth understanding of the latest research in brain science, and how it can be used to cultivate and strengthen creative and critical thinking. Through our comprehensive program, attendees will learn the neuroscience of creativity, explore critical thinking processes in the brain, and be given practical exercises and hands-on experience to apply these skills in various settings.

Habits Of Mind - المدرب المعتمد في برنامج عادات العقل لتنمية قدرات العقل ولتنمية قدرات الذكاء الناجح ومهارات التفكير

The Habits of Mind program is a pedagogical system meant to give students the aptitude to build certain habits or methods of thinking that are essential for success in academia and life. These habits involve: staying focused, managing impulsiveness, thinking flexibly, contemplating one’s thoughts (metacognition), being kind and understanding, taking prudent risks, listening with understanding and kindness, finding humor, creating, and testing hypotheses, asking questions, and reflecting. This program concentrates on teaching students to apply these habits as they attempt academic struggles and problem-solving undertakings, aiding them to increase their critical and creative thinking abilities. The ultimate target is to supply students with the intellectual tools they need to be successful in a quickly evolving world.

المدرب المعتمد في البرنامج الدولي في رعاية الموهوبين والمتفوقين

Through this program, educators will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective advocates for gifted students. They will learn how to identify and nurture the potential in gifted students, understand the academic and social needs of these students, and develop strategies to help them reach their goals. This program will also help educators understand the unique challenges that gifted students face and how to provide them with the support they need to succeed. By the end of the program, educators will have the tools they need to help gifted students reach their full potential.

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